Cheek Surgery

Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal, also known as cheek surgery, offers a solution to achieve a more harmonious and attractive facial appearance, especially when excess fat pockets develop in the cheeks.

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Refine Your Facial Beauty

Discover how buccal fat removal can transform your face.

Bichectomy is a minor surgical procedure designed to sculpt and refine the face by removing the Bichat fat pads, which serve no specific function in adults and contribute to facial fullness. This surgical technique enhances the facial contour, providing more defined and aesthetic results. Bichectomy, also known as cheek surgery, is a solution to achieve a more harmonious and attractive facial appearance, especially when excess fat pads in the cheeks have developed. With the expert care of Dr. Carlos Recio, this surgery offers the opportunity to enhance facial beauty and achieve a more sculpted and balanced silhouette.

Define your features and enhance your beauty!

Discover the benefits of Bichectomy for a sculpted appearance, achieve a defined facial contour, and experience a quick recovery.

Our results

Notable results include a reduction in the round contour in the cheek area, contributing to a more sculpted and stylized facial appearance. These results, combined with a relatively fast recovery and minimal internal scars, make Bichectomy an attractive option for those seeking to improve the harmony and contour of their face.

Frequently Asked Questions about Bichectomy or Cheek Surgery

Discover everything you need to know about these procedures to showcase your best version.

Intraoral Approach: This technique is the most commonly used for the removal of Bichat fat pads. It involves making an incision inside the oral mucosa, specifically in the upper part, near the second premolar. It is performed under local anesthesia, and in most cases, there is no need for stitches.
After a Bichectomy, it is normal to experience a temporary decrease in sensitivity in the treated area, which usually recovers in the first few days or weeks. It is also common to have slight swelling and discomfort when chewing, which suggests a soft diet initially. Some bruising on the cheeks may appear but can be improved with cold compresses. Bichectomy is a fast-recovery surgery if medical recommendations are followed.
The results of Bichectomy can be noticeable once the swelling subsides, and the tissues settle. Patients may experience facial slimming and a more sculpted appearance of the jawline. These results are permanent as the removed buccal fat pads do not come back. However, it is important for patients to have realistic expectations and understand that the final appearance may take some time to fully develop.
Bichectomy is a surgical procedure typically performed in a medical office or clinic setting. Dr. Carlos Recio begins by making a small incision inside the mouth, near the cheeks, to access the Bichat fat pads (buccal fat). A portion of these fat pads is then carefully removed to achieve the desired facial slimming. Finally, the incision in the mouth is sutured, and patients can expect a relatively fast recovery.
Disability and recovery time can vary from patient to patient, but generally, after a Bichectomy, a rest period of at least 24 to 48 hours can be expected. Swelling and possible discomfort in the cheeks can last several days to a week. Patients can return to their normal activities within a few days, but it is important to avoid hard or spicy foods for some time to allow proper healing.

Inspiring Testimonials

Discover how Dr. Carlos Recio has changed lives through his experience in plastic surgery in Cali, Colombia.

Endoscopia Facial (1)
Happy and radiant patient after Blepharoplasty! In just 4 days, the results are surprising and he recommends Dr. Carlos Recio for similar procedures. Blepharoplasty beautifies the eyes by removing skin and fat on the eyelids. Ideal for correcting sagging and bags, achieving a fresh and rejuvenated appearance.
Lorena Martines
Endoscopia Facial
Happy and radiant patient after Blepharoplasty! In just 4 days, the results are surprising and he recommends Dr. Carlos Recio for similar procedures. Blepharoplasty beautifies the eyes by removing skin and fat on the eyelids. Ideal for correcting sagging and bags, achieving a fresh and rejuvenated appearance.
Lorena Martines
Endoscopia Facial (1)
Happy and radiant patient after Blepharoplasty! In just 4 days, the results are surprising and he recommends Dr. Carlos Recio for similar procedures. Blepharoplasty beautifies the eyes by removing skin and fat on the eyelids. Ideal for correcting sagging and bags, achieving a fresh and rejuvenated appearance.
Lorena Martines
Happy and radiant patient after Blepharoplasty! In just 4 days, the results are surprising and he recommends Dr. Carlos Recio for similar procedures. Blepharoplasty beautifies the eyes by removing skin and fat on the eyelids. Ideal for correcting sagging and bags, achieving a fresh and rejuvenated appearance.
Lorena Martines

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